Doctor Milagros, a CBD skincare line based in New York, is collaborating with QVC, a video commerce giant to expand the reach of EveryFace Skincare Line. Founder Dr. Milagros Hernandez expressed her excitement on this partnership as it will attract a bigger audience. According to her, CBD is effective for all skin types. She also renamed the company from Branded TEScosmetics to Milagros, which means “miracle” in Spanish.

Milagros claims that CBD, a natural skincare ingredient, can work with the pH of all skin types and provide miraculous results for every face, according to search results. Milagros’ products contain 100% organic ingredients, are not tested on animals, and her EveryFace series comes with a scrub, serum, and cream that contain CBD. As a breast cancer survivor, Milagros also advocates for stronger regulations in skincare products and highlights the toxins often found in cosmetics. Finally, the Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference, a major cannabis industry event, is taking place in Miami on April 11-12 and promises to be a place for deals to happen, money to be raised, and companies to meet with investors and partners. Tickets are available now.