What’s so controversial about using cannabidiol in medicine?
For the past decades, science has shifted its focus. Instead of looking at the creation of new chemicals, many have turned their heads in the direction of existing compounds that have proved to have a direct and positive correlation to health. Such has been the case with cannabis and cannabidiol, better known as CBD. In fact, over the past 10 years it has been adopted widely to treat several health conditions and has proved a worthy opponent to other therapies.
But, regardless of it’s proven amazing benefits, many doctors still refuse to prescribe them even when prompted by well informed patients and colleagues. Why does this happen? Let’s break down the controversy around cannabis and cannabidiol once and for all!
Why do Doctors frown upon the usage of Cannabidiol?
Cannabis, while it’s been used for recreational purposes, it’s currently backed up by science. The basis of its incredible benefits lies in its composition: the plants (both hemp and cannabis) contain cannabinoids, chemicals that work in the endocannabinoid system, part of the neurotransmitter pathways. These have a direct impact in how our body reacts to stressors, and with proper usage, have a positive impact on health and overall wellbeing.
However, most stay focused on the recreational purpose, that comes along because of one of the most famous cannabinoids: tetrahydrocannabinol, often abbreviated as THC. This is what people know produces neuroactive stimuli, creating the infamous effects portrayed in the media.
This however, is not the reality with medicinal cannabis, hemp oil and other therapies born out of these plants derivatives, as these use Cannabidiol, a powerful non-psychoactive member of the cannabinoids family, that has incredible properties that offer therapeutic benefits.
Here are some of the most common assumptions people make about cannabis, and how these are not the reality of what prescription uses of cannabis are:
Cannabis usage will get you high, not healthy
While this is a common assumption, is not the reality. THC, the psychoactive component in recreative cannabis is not present in most of the products made for therapeutic purposes as these use CBD often derived from hemp, that’s the less psychoactive branch of cannabis. And if it is, it’s in such a small amount, that’s considered negligible in comparison to other beneficial elements.
It’s usage is not backed up by science
In fact, cannabidiol usage has been studied in depth by universities like Harvard, and it’s medical usage approved by the FDA under certain terms, as proven by the recent creation of a drug with high concentrations of CBD made to treat episodes of epilepsy. Both doctors and patients part of clinical trials also offer strong evidence regarding the correlation of uses of cannabis to health improvement.
Media has portrayed it in a bad light
For a while media has been consistently making it a bad topic. And while there’s definitely a long path to walk regarding its careless usage, the fact that it contains beneficial properties (through high concentration of cannabinoids) should prove enough evidence for people to take away from the media and focus on more reliable sources of information to form an opinion. Besides, the use on media has little in common with the uses of cannabis for medical purposes in real life, and even less with the real cannabidiol benefits.
Most hate on cannabis stems from a lack of knowledge
It’s only natural to fear the unknown. However, keeping powerful medicine away from those that need it should not be the consequence of that fear. Cannabidiol proves to be one of the best treatments for a variety of conditions, such as epilepsy, anxiety, chronic pain and symptoms related to chemotherapy, just to name a few. Why keep such a powerful aid away from those that need it? When prescribed, hemp CBD can improve the quality of people’s lives significantly, and that’s the end goal of any physician.

What can Cannabidiol treat in reality?
While there’s much to say about cannabidiol benefits and it’s future uses, the reality is while it’s still a learning curve regarding its properties, currently there are studies and evidence that prove its value as a therapy for certain conditions.
Here’s a list of where it has proven to be an incredible alternative to traditional medicine:.
● Atopic dermatitis (to reduce swelling and flare ups)
● Inflammation (as a powerful anti inflammatory)
● Schizophrenia (reducing psychotic episodes)
● Fighting morphine abuse (by inhibiting the pathways that lead to substance abuse)
● Treatment for epilepsy (reducing convulsions).
● Treatment for post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and other fear-related conditions.
● Compulsive and obsessive disorders.
Cannabis and its components, cannabidiol and tetrahydrocannabinol, along with its uses has been topic of conversation all over the world, and while there’s much to say about it, one thing is clear: it’s going to stay on trend for quite a while. And it will change how medicine and healthcare are seen for years to come.
If you want to see the incredible benefits of these plants, then it’s time to try Doctor Milagros.com. With a line infused with Hemp CBD using innovative technology and natural ingredients, these products will help you project your beauty through healthy skin.
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